Friday, July 5, 2013

Through the Flames, a novel by Denise Bartlett

Gypsy Shadow Publishing Presents

Denise Bartlett's Young Adult novel, Through the Flames

It is absolutely amazing how little awareness there is in the general public about head injuries/brain injuries/concussions. The NFL and the professional football players who have competed in games are in a huge battle right now. In a nutshell, the players are suing the NFL for not disclosing the potential permanent damage which can be done to the brain by taking repeated hits and jolts to the head in the collision sport we call football.
Through the Flames by Denise BartlettAs a result of writing Through the Flames, which focuses on a household where domestic violence has become the paradigm, I have spoken to many individuals about the causes and symptoms of these injuries. Not all concussions are caused by sports injuries, but the sports injury ones are a direct result of voluntary participation. I will admit that not all players consider their involvement as voluntary, but I believe it is, nonetheless.
In Texas, contact sports, especially football, are so much a part of the lives of a large number of individuals, that injuries are brushed off and sitting on the bench or even totally refraining from play, in order to take time to recover, is seen as a sign of weakness. Men and women of all ages 'tough it out' rather than confess to experiencing headaches, dizziness, balance problems and nausea.
One teenager I spoke to recalled a four-wheeler accident where he hit their head and had headaches and dizziness for weeks. The leg injury he had prevailed to receive all the attention of surgery and rehab while the head injury was ignored, since he was diagnosed long ago as ADHD and they expect him not to remember things and to complain about headaches. He has the classic symptoms of concussion and head injury, but many of them are similar to those ADHD produces. We must play closer attention to what the people around us, especially athletes, are saying about the health and other problems they are having.
That is only one example - domestic violence, pick up games, extreme sports, even instances of working with horses where the rider lands inelegantly all lend to the problem.
Education and awareness are important. It's an uphill battle and it's only just begun.
Take a few minutes and think about those around you who have had concussions or have had other types of injuries as a result of athletic pursuits. What do you believe are viable solutions to making the games safer, the athletes stronger and less prone to injuries, and spreading the information about concussion and traumatic brain injuries.
Empower yourself with education. Empower students with education. And communicate with everyone you meet. It could change your life and theirs, too.

Available on Gypsy Shadow Publishing, AmazonBarnes and NobleSmashwords and other fine retailers all over the Internet!

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Denise Bartlett
PS: Read my latest novel:
Through the Flames
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Gypsy Shadow Publishing
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Take a hike - and empower yourself!

Excuse me, is this the way to the oasis?
Have you ever imagined traveling the world? What's holding you back? Oh, yeah, your job, no time, too many commitments, the world's a mess anyway...
Every single one of us is surrounded by nature. We are a part of the world and the plants and animals remind us of a design and system of laws and patterns greater than ourselves.
Take a hike today, or this weekend. Get out in the world and relax.
While you're out there think about what you are going to do to empower yourself to get out there again. For a day or a week or a month, or maybe move out to the country forever.
I'm doing something about it, I'm looking into blogging, sharing and empowering myself and others.
If you have a few minutes, please click through and look at this short video!
It's an honor to have you visit my blog! 
denibartlett on Facebook
Denise Bartlett
PS: Read my latest novel:
Through the Flames
#author #DeniseBartlett #empowernetwork #GypsyShadow #travel
If you like this post (Take a Hike - and empower yourself), retweet and comment please!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Freedom is not Free

Happy Fourth of July, all you fellow Americans!
I want you to think about something with me. Do you have freedom? Do you OWN it? What is freedom to you?
Is it doing what you want? How many times a day do you do that? In some ways we do anything we want all the time. On the other hand, I want to fly to Australia and scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef. Have I booked my flight? Are you kidding!?! That takes $$, well more like $$$$$$$$ if you use the cost scale the restaurants use, where 1$ is a cheap burger place and $$$$$ is a meal at a 5 Star Hotel.
Freedom is not free.So, this is America. The United States of America - how the heck can we be free to do what we want when we are broke?
Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and members of the Coast Guard give up a lot of freedoms to serve in the Armed Forces. Why? Because they understand that freedom involves a lot more than doing what we want. Freedom is a core value. What will you do to secure your own freedom?
And THANKS to all those who serve our country and their fellow citizens daily. From the elementary school serving line in the cafeteria to the President of the United States, to all of us in one way our another, we are here to serve.
What do you think?
It's an honor to have you visit my blog! 
denibartlett on Facebook
Denise Bartlett
PS: Read my latest novel:
Through the Flames
#author  #DeniseBartlett #GypsyShadow #freedom, #empowernetwork
Gypsy Shadow Publishing
If you like this post (Freedom is not Free), retweet and comment please!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett

Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett

A young adult novel about football, relationships,
athletes, faith and sports injuries.

     “Your home life is a mess.” This is The Understatement of the Year. Larry’s senior year, things go from bad to worse for the dysfunctional Allen family. The story begins with the homecoming game for Bobby Layne High School and a harsh slam to the star quarterback’s world - a tough hit during the second quarter of the football game.

     Larry and his two brothers are not loners, but they are essentially alone. Their dad, Robert Allen, is away playing for the NFL half the year and their mother, Suzanne, has moved out and gotten a job at a local bar; the grief of losing her daughter overpowering her ability to manage three teenage sons and a household on her own. Alcoholism raises its ugly head, capturing the oldest son, Craig, and Suzanne in its clutches.

     Athletes in Texas and throughout the world hear No Pain No Gain, Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit and so many other mantras of carrying on through adversity. Larry is the quintessential suffering hero, he plays through injuries like a Pro. His focus is on leading his team, doing his job, winning.
But head injuries do not respond to playing through. The brain needs inactivity to recover. Injuries slow Larry down, but a concussion brings him to a halt - a coma - a new life without football.
What could those around him have done to prevent it?

Through the Flames is an inspirational story of how one family plays through tragedy and troubles, the bonds of love emerge as stronger than any other. This book is a stand-alone work, but The Fire Series began with Book One: Into the Fire and will continue in Book Three.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Click here: you can hear it live
or search for the date

Hear the author talk about
Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett
Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett

Through the Flames

Buy from the Gypsy ShadowPublishing website and receive an autographed copy!

Through the Flames is an inspirational story of how one family plays through tragedy and troubles, the bonds of love emerge as stronger than any other. This book is a stand-alone work, but The Fire Series began with Book One: Into the Fire and will continue in Book Three.
(the above includes excerpts from Dawn Colclasure’s review)

If you’d like a signed print copy of Through the Flames, please order through GypsyShadow Publishing. I’ll autograph it and get it into the mail to you as soon as I can!

Denise Bartlett in Lockhart, Texas, USA
Denise Bartlett
Live the best life!
Denise.Bartlett.Share on Facebook
PS: Read my latest novel:
Through the Flames 
Available on Amazon.comBarnes and Noble, and Smashwords in eBook or Print formats.
Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett
Through the Flames by Denise Bartlett
Gypsy Shadow PublishingIf you like this post on (Through the Flames, A Novel about High School Athletes), retweet and comment please!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

List of Blog Posts on Empower Network

Hi All, Here  they are in author order

About my Empower Network blog..... I am copying and pasting,
for the most part, but would really love to have new information,
new reviews, new author and book information... links and items
 of interest to your readers. Please feel free to update as you go
 - I will post what I can - adding to existing posts and creating
new ones!
NOTE: I have to shorten the links on LinkProsperity or
or wherever to get Facebook to allow the post. There is a huge
community in Empower Network and I want our books and
stories to be in front of that large and aggressively reading
community. Facebook doesn't like to give them free publicity,
but I believe it can help and I will be creating more "other" links
and also welcome you to copy and paste my blog entries and
expand on them! The new links I have created are on my
Facebook page, but I am fitting this activity into my schedule,
so it may take a while to do them all. If you create another link
for any of my blog entries, please send it to me!
Des Fosses
Eden,Foreman, Massari


Van Oordt

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Interview with Ida Muorie on The Sportsmavericks Show

Ida Muorie’s Sportsmavericks Show

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Click here: you can hear it live
or search for the date

Hear the author talk about

Through the Flames

Buy from the Gypsy ShadowPublishing website and receive an autographed copy!

Synopsis of Through the Flames

(with nods to Dawn Colclasure Wilson’s review)

     “Your home life is a mess.” This is The Understatement of the Year. Larry’s senior year, things go from bad to worse for the dysfunctional Allen family. The story begins with the homecoming game for Bobby Layne High School and a harsh slam to the star quarterback’s world - a tough hit during the second quarter of the football game.

     Larry and his two brothers are not loners, but they are essentially alone. Their dad, Robert Allen, is away playing for the NFL half the year and their mother, Suzanne, has moved out and gotten a job at a local bar; the grief of losing her daughter overpowering her ability to manage three teenage sons and a household on her own. Alcoholism raises its ugly head, capturing the oldest son, Craig, and Suzanne in its clutches.

     Athletes in Texas and throughout the world hear No Pain No Gain, Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit and so many other mantras of carrying on through adversity. Larry is the quintessential suffering hero, he plays through injuries like a Pro. His focus is on leading his team, doing his job, winning.
But head injuries do not respond to playing through. The brain needs inactivity to recover. Injuries slow Larry down, but a concussion brings him to a halt - a coma - a new life without football.

What could those around him have done to prevent it?

Through the Flames is an inspirational story of how one family plays through tragedy and troubles, the bonds of love emerge as stronger than any other. This book is a stand-alone work, but The Fire Series began with Book One: Into the Fire and will continue in Book Three.

If you’d like a signed copy of Through the Flames, please order through GypsyShadow Publishing. I’ll autograph it and get it into the mail to you as soon as I can!