Greeting from Texas, Y'all! Gypsy Shadow Publishing - Quality e-books for today, print books forever.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Come join in! Give-away all month!
Gypsy Shadow Publishing is one year old! October is the first month of our second year and every day this month, we are giving away a free e-book. Additionally, on Halloween, every one who has signed up for the contest will receive a free scary book!
Click the link below and see the wide variety of genres and authors we have.
The list of free e-books to be given away in October of 2010.
As of today, we have 83 books online, 7 in print and about 50 e-published authors! These authors represent many of the United States of America and several countries around the world. Within a month, we will probably be over 100 books online and 10 in print. Remarkable.
Please buy our books and tell your friends who write we are author-friendly, since we are authors ourselves.
And come on by and join our contest.
Love, joy, peace,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Charlotte Holley, Author, CEO and Production Manager for GSP
Charlotte, also known as Chalaedra of Beaded Legends by Chalaedra is an author as well as a jewelry designer, along with her current occupation of Production Manager of Gypsy Shadow Publishing.
She has published the first two books of a paranormal mystery series entitled The Actor's Guild Series, a shorter horror style Science Fiction/Fantasy story, the first two chapters of a Science Fiction/Fantasy about aliens from Atlantis who work disguised as a punk rock band and a YA short story involving the pains of growing up and finding out that others have just as many problems as we have. In her spare time LOL she will be sharing more of her excellent writing and story-telling skills with the reading public.
Here are the links to the books:
She has published the first two books of a paranormal mystery series entitled The Actor's Guild Series, a shorter horror style Science Fiction/Fantasy story, the first two chapters of a Science Fiction/Fantasy about aliens from Atlantis who work disguised as a punk rock band and a YA short story involving the pains of growing up and finding out that others have just as many problems as we have. In her spare time LOL she will be sharing more of her excellent writing and story-telling skills with the reading public.
Here are the links to the books:
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Shiloh Darke
We have a number of genres on our website and for those of you who don't like it hot and steamy with extra vampire and paranormal spice, skip this entry LOL.
Our authors hone their skills in many ways and Shiloh Darke has gained a following through her fanfiction on many online sites. One of her books, The Eternal, is available in print through Gypsy Shadow Publishing and the rest are available at as well as a variety of other distributors across the Internet.
These books are currently available, with more to come!
Our authors hone their skills in many ways and Shiloh Darke has gained a following through her fanfiction on many online sites. One of her books, The Eternal, is available in print through Gypsy Shadow Publishing and the rest are available at as well as a variety of other distributors across the Internet.
These books are currently available, with more to come!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Gypsy Shadow's Fantasy Collection: Aubrie Dionne
Under the heading of Fireflies, you will find a list of short stories and novels within the genres of Fantasy and Modern Fairy Tales.
Author Aubrie Dionne writes wonderful tales for the young at heart.
The Carnival of Illusions collection:
Meet Aubrie.....................................
Check out Aubrie's Blog here:
Learn more about Aubrie here:
eMail Aubrie at:
Monday, October 11, 2010
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
I have always loved to read. In high school, if I wasn't reading a book, I was working on writing one. Then in college, I found I wanted to read to go somewhere and do something, to explore the world. I love being entertained by those writers who can make me feel: Laugh, Cry, Think, want to write something more and study more.
Only a handful of writers have made me feel I needed a tissue, needed to control my laughter and keep a dictionary beside me while reading. One of those is a lady who I have the joy of rereading again as we re-release sixteen of her novels through Gypsy Shadow Publishing. Check out my new Page! It's the first I've created and it has her works listed and linked to her page on our website. She's even put new covers - most of them her own works - on them for this parade of pleasure.
A few single paragraph quotes - from the first chapter in each book - will give you a good glimpse of what I mean:
With the mist creeping up to conceal the garbage and broken bottles, and the drizzle descending like unceasing tears, the alley was a depressing place to be. Even the pearl-handled derringer in my bag was cold comfort. This was a night the poet Poe might relish, except that ravens seldom frequented the alleys or San Francisco anymore. Pigeons perhaps. Pigeons with uncannily direct gazes, for as I turned back toward the lamplight flickering in from the main street, small eyes glittered down at me, then swooped aside. I grasped the knob of the backstage door and shoved.
The Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texas
Paladins of the Prairie may very well exist on the prairie, but they have clearly drawn the line at carrying the Code of the West into the Texas desert. I know for a fact that muleskinners bear no resemblance whatsoever to either Saint George or to any of those other gallant knights who traipsed about rescuing damsels in distress. When I was abducted by wild Indians and subsequently menaced by a dragon, none of the fifty teamsters with whom I was traveling lifted a finger to rescue me.
The Harem of Aman Akbar, or The Djinn Decanted
I am told the djinn complained that I was unworthy— what noble woman, he protested, would be so careless of herself as to bind her hair into leather-held braids instead of twining it with pearls? Which shows how much the djinn knows about feminine adornment—my hair is almost white and pearls would ill-become me. He also deemed my substantial nose hideous—but this is typical of the djinn, who has lived a sheltered existence, for the most part, confined in his bottle. Therefore his views often tend to be prudish and conservative. Though a great one for taking others places, he has generally taken no part in the life of those places, thereby managing to stay relatively untouched and unenlightened by his travels. However, on the occasion in question, his priggish complaints fell on unheeding ears, for Aman replied, "Her nose is curved like the beak of the hawk and is a fitting complement to the glitter of her eyes—know you, o djinn, that the hawk is a noble bird and proud and also, I think, useful."
The mother of the corpse wore solid black as she danced round and round the room to the lamenting coronach of the pipes. With her danced the father of the corpse, also in black. The attire of both showed signs of having been recently, hastily dyed for the occasion. Phantoms of the plaid fabric swam beneath the dye of the mother's gown. The mother wept as she danced and the father scowled. The corpse lay in the middle of the room, her claes deid, her funeral garments, concealing the thirty stab wounds in her chest and the dishonor her killer had subjected her body to before she died. All around the coffin, her brothers and sisters-in-law, her sisters and brothers-in-law, her fiance and her grandmother, all of them weeping, shuffled in their own awkward dancing. The neighbors danced and wept as well. And close by the coffin, the bound and gagged tinkler man was weeping too, less for the murdered lassie than for himself, he who was the accused.
Bronwyn the Bold was still flushed from the heat of battle when the Lord Chamberlain found her in the small courtyard below the eastern wall of the Royal Palace. The courtyard was in ruins. Trees, walls, jousting dummies, the Queen's prize petunia patch, all were gouged, hacked and otherwise dismembered. The Princess knelt beside the wall, her short sword cooling in its sheath, her red carved shield close by her side. Evidently satisfied with the routing she'd dealt her enemies, she bent over the prone forms of her dolls, each of which was blanketed by one of her monogrammed handkerchiefs. “My lady," the Chamberlain began.
"What is it, Uncle Binky?" she demanded in a fair imitation of her father's regal roar. "Can't you see I've mortally wounded casualties on my hands? We need healers and medicine now!”
"Yes, my lady," the Chamberlain replied with a tone sober and a face straight from long and difficult practice. "I'll see to it personally, my lady . . ."
"A simple 'general' will do," Bronwyn said graciously, since she was actually very pleased to have someone to talk to. She hopped to her feet and took the Chamberlain's hand in hers, her action very like that of any normal child except that ordinary little girls didn't tower over adult royal retainers. "What news do you bring from behind our lines?"
The Queen had declared with unusual forcefulness for a person of faery blood that she was not about to have a son of hers turn into a good-for-nothing knight errant bullying the populace and using his royal prerogatives to rape and pillage. It had happened elsewhere, and Rupert was no less fond of the phenomena than his mother. He was a highly peaceable and loving sort by nature—so loving, in fact, that by the age of twenty, when his frost giant ancestry caused him to be so unusually tall and well grown and his faery blood lent him an uncommon beauty and charm, he was a cause for alarm among the fathers and husbands in the Wasimarkanian Court. To the men he was called, behind his back (for it would never do to offend so powerful an ally as the Royal House of Argonia) Rowan the Rake. To the women, into whose eyes he gazed soulfully and whose hands he kissed tenderly, almost without regard for age, station, or pulchritude, he was Rowan the Romantic. He would miss those charitable and generous ladies, one and all, but his mentors, under pressure, had declared that with princesses of six major countries in a swoon for his attentions, he would need more advanced lessons in diplomacy than they had to offer. They referred him back to his own family for further instruction.
A good storyteller, I have learned, does not make the whole entire story center around herself, as if she was the most important thing about the story. I've seen many a fine songwriter who once wrote and sang wonderfully understanding songs about the lives of ordinary people fall flat on his ass when he gets a little famous, gets away from regular folks, and pretty soon all he's able to write are songs about how god-awful it is to be on the road and how he is so a-lo-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-own.
Only a handful of writers have made me feel I needed a tissue, needed to control my laughter and keep a dictionary beside me while reading. One of those is a lady who I have the joy of rereading again as we re-release sixteen of her novels through Gypsy Shadow Publishing. Check out my new Page! It's the first I've created and it has her works listed and linked to her page on our website. She's even put new covers - most of them her own works - on them for this parade of pleasure.
A few single paragraph quotes - from the first chapter in each book - will give you a good glimpse of what I mean:
The Goldcamp Vampire
The Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texas
Paladins of the Prairie may very well exist on the prairie, but they have clearly drawn the line at carrying the Code of the West into the Texas desert. I know for a fact that muleskinners bear no resemblance whatsoever to either Saint George or to any of those other gallant knights who traipsed about rescuing damsels in distress. When I was abducted by wild Indians and subsequently menaced by a dragon, none of the fifty teamsters with whom I was traveling lifted a finger to rescue me.
The Harem of Aman Akbar, or The Djinn Decanted
I am told the djinn complained that I was unworthy— what noble woman, he protested, would be so careless of herself as to bind her hair into leather-held braids instead of twining it with pearls? Which shows how much the djinn knows about feminine adornment—my hair is almost white and pearls would ill-become me. He also deemed my substantial nose hideous—but this is typical of the djinn, who has lived a sheltered existence, for the most part, confined in his bottle. Therefore his views often tend to be prudish and conservative. Though a great one for taking others places, he has generally taken no part in the life of those places, thereby managing to stay relatively untouched and unenlightened by his travels. However, on the occasion in question, his priggish complaints fell on unheeding ears, for Aman replied, "Her nose is curved like the beak of the hawk and is a fitting complement to the glitter of her eyes—know you, o djinn, that the hawk is a noble bird and proud and also, I think, useful."
The Lady in the Loch
The mother of the corpse wore solid black as she danced round and round the room to the lamenting coronach of the pipes. With her danced the father of the corpse, also in black. The attire of both showed signs of having been recently, hastily dyed for the occasion. Phantoms of the plaid fabric swam beneath the dye of the mother's gown. The mother wept as she danced and the father scowled. The corpse lay in the middle of the room, her claes deid, her funeral garments, concealing the thirty stab wounds in her chest and the dishonor her killer had subjected her body to before she died. All around the coffin, her brothers and sisters-in-law, her sisters and brothers-in-law, her fiance and her grandmother, all of them weeping, shuffled in their own awkward dancing. The neighbors danced and wept as well. And close by the coffin, the bound and gagged tinkler man was weeping too, less for the murdered lassie than for himself, he who was the accused.
The Unicorn Creed: Songs from the Seashell Archives: Volume 2
Colin had less luck locating the other person he most wished to find at the christening, his old questing companion, Maggie Brown, Sir William's bastard daughter and Queen Amberwine's half sister. He knew where she was well enough, or where she had been, at any rate. It was Maggie's special talent, her hearthcraft witchery, which kept the entire christening from being a greater domestic disaster than it was. Hers was the power to perform all household tasks in the twinkling of an eye, and wherever she went she cut a swath of fragrant cooking fires, clean rushes, whitewashed walls, clean dishes, hot food, cold drink, emptied chamber pots, fresh linen, kindled torches and tidied beds. It was not an unpleasant trail to follow. Nevertheless, Colin had hoped for a more personal confrontation—a bit of a reunion, as it were—a chance to sing her his new songs, to tell her of his life at the castle, and perhaps to strut for her a bit in the rich apparel the King had given him. But somehow he never seemed to be free of his duties at the same time she was free of hers in the same room. Once he almost collided with her as he was coming in from a party at Sir Oswald's pavilion, but without looking up she'd brushed past him in a brown blur, automatically mending a small tear and cleaning a wine stain on his sleeve in passing. He was, for once, speechless, and after that had no more opportunities to seek her out, preoccupied as he was with his own duties of observing, chronicling, dancing, singing, entertaining and being entertained by his fellow guests.
Bronwyn's Bane: Songs from the Seashell Archives: Volume 3
Bronwyn the Bold was still flushed from the heat of battle when the Lord Chamberlain found her in the small courtyard below the eastern wall of the Royal Palace. The courtyard was in ruins. Trees, walls, jousting dummies, the Queen's prize petunia patch, all were gouged, hacked and otherwise dismembered. The Princess knelt beside the wall, her short sword cooling in its sheath, her red carved shield close by her side. Evidently satisfied with the routing she'd dealt her enemies, she bent over the prone forms of her dolls, each of which was blanketed by one of her monogrammed handkerchiefs. “My lady," the Chamberlain began.
"What is it, Uncle Binky?" she demanded in a fair imitation of her father's regal roar. "Can't you see I've mortally wounded casualties on my hands? We need healers and medicine now!”
"Yes, my lady," the Chamberlain replied with a tone sober and a face straight from long and difficult practice. "I'll see to it personally, my lady . . ."
"A simple 'general' will do," Bronwyn said graciously, since she was actually very pleased to have someone to talk to. She hopped to her feet and took the Chamberlain's hand in hers, her action very like that of any normal child except that ordinary little girls didn't tower over adult royal retainers. "What news do you bring from behind our lines?"
The Queen had declared with unusual forcefulness for a person of faery blood that she was not about to have a son of hers turn into a good-for-nothing knight errant bullying the populace and using his royal prerogatives to rape and pillage. It had happened elsewhere, and Rupert was no less fond of the phenomena than his mother. He was a highly peaceable and loving sort by nature—so loving, in fact, that by the age of twenty, when his frost giant ancestry caused him to be so unusually tall and well grown and his faery blood lent him an uncommon beauty and charm, he was a cause for alarm among the fathers and husbands in the Wasimarkanian Court. To the men he was called, behind his back (for it would never do to offend so powerful an ally as the Royal House of Argonia) Rowan the Rake. To the women, into whose eyes he gazed soulfully and whose hands he kissed tenderly, almost without regard for age, station, or pulchritude, he was Rowan the Romantic. He would miss those charitable and generous ladies, one and all, but his mentors, under pressure, had declared that with princesses of six major countries in a swoon for his attentions, he would need more advanced lessons in diplomacy than they had to offer. They referred him back to his own family for further instruction.
Phantom Banjo
A good storyteller, I have learned, does not make the whole entire story center around herself, as if she was the most important thing about the story. I've seen many a fine songwriter who once wrote and sang wonderfully understanding songs about the lives of ordinary people fall flat on his ass when he gets a little famous, gets away from regular folks, and pretty soon all he's able to write are songs about how god-awful it is to be on the road and how he is so a-lo-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-own.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Jackin' Around with Jake
A sidekick is a close companion who is generally regarded as subordinate to the one he accompanies. Some well-known fictional sidekicks are Don Quixote's Sancho Panza, Sherlock Holmes' Doctor Watson, The Lone Ranger's Tonto, Batman's partner Robin, The Green Hornet's Kato, Captain America's Bucky, Captain Kirk's first officer Spock, Sam's companion Al from Quantum Leap, Richard Sharpe's friend sergeant Patrick Harper and SpongeBob SquarePants' best friend Patrick Star.
In author D. C. Grace's novel, The Sacred Oath, the traditional role of comic relief is carried on by Dasan Tallchief best friend, Jake Killing Bear. Last evening, several fans of The Sacred Oath met Jake on the group chat of the book's Facebook page!/pages/The-Sacred-Oath/129956580348918. Jake, a teenaged Hocak native, led us on a jaunt of hilarious repartee.
The group was made up of mostly women, the notable exceptions being Austin Bradley, an up and coming actor, who will be in The Sacred Oath movie wolfpack, The Guardians, and his father. Jake kept trying to draw the attention to his heart-throb, Finley Adair, but soon learned that women don't want to talk about other women, lol.
I also had the great honor of interviewing Jake at the end of the chat. First, if you've read the book, you know Jake is a Scooby Doo fan. He says "Scooby is my bud! Scooby is the best detective ever, he's highly underrated." We found the other attraction to the whole Scooby thing was Scooby snacks—Jake is, after all, a growing male. Two-thirds of the chat session was about food and virtual Scooby snacks had to be consumed during a short break in the action.
We were gifted with tantalizing revelations about the second book in the series, Season of Destruction, which is still being written. "Okay, so we've been minding our beeswax 'round here, & this new guy shows up - Brett, he's a Necromancer, but is that all? no, cuz that'd b 2 easy! He's worse than a Necromancer - if you have a supernatural talent, all he hasta do is be near u & he has it, 2 so he has this whole army of dead guys @ his beck & call - PLUS he can do whatever we can do." The setup seems pretty extreme and The Guardians are worried—and we can't wait to read Season of Destruction.
The third and final book in the series will be Last Shadow Cast and will be in an exotic location.
All who attended agreed we'll all be back for the next chat on a Saturday night, dubbed Jake's Full Moon Extravaganza, which will be announced on this site and on Facebook.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturday Events October 9, 2010
Hey, all!
Tonight at 7 pm EST, on the link below, Jake Killingbear, the crazy man of The Guardians werewolf pack in The Sacred Oath, will be chatting with fans tonight. After the one-hour event, I will be interviewing Jake for this blog - to be posted tomorrow.!/pages/The-Sacred-Oath/129956580348918
Come on by, and while you are there, please visit Gypsy Shadow Publishing's page and Charlotte Holley, our CEO and Production Manager and my page, Denise Bartlett and be-FRIEND or Like us. Thanks!
For you East Coasters, Anderson, SC is blessed with the presence of Balefire and Moonstone's author, Cynthia Gael for workshop readings and author signings of this fabulous Young Adult book! See more about the book on our website at:
Have a joyful day, folks!
Love, joy and peace,
Denise Bartlett
Tonight at 7 pm EST, on the link below, Jake Killingbear, the crazy man of The Guardians werewolf pack in The Sacred Oath, will be chatting with fans tonight. After the one-hour event, I will be interviewing Jake for this blog - to be posted tomorrow.!/pages/The-Sacred-Oath/129956580348918
Come on by, and while you are there, please visit Gypsy Shadow Publishing's page and Charlotte Holley, our CEO and Production Manager and my page, Denise Bartlett and be-FRIEND or Like us. Thanks!
For you East Coasters, Anderson, SC is blessed with the presence of Balefire and Moonstone's author, Cynthia Gael for workshop readings and author signings of this fabulous Young Adult book! See more about the book on our website at:
Have a joyful day, folks!
Love, joy and peace,
Denise Bartlett
Friday, October 8, 2010
When are you going to finish that book?
Are you reading? Writing? Editing? Rewriting? What's up with your book?
Writing is an enjoyable pastime, but more than that, for some of us, it is our life blood. We love to write, simply to share on paper with others. Many, many books are published every year. Before the advent of the Internet, most books were published in print, some were also recorded for the hearing impaired and for the convenience of listening while we work or drive.
Now, publishing has taken on a new face! E-publishing and Print on Demand have taken a new position in the world - even McMillan ( a huge print publisher) is switching to Print on Demand. The industry is getting savvy to conservation and printing the books people want.
So what? Guess what that means to some of us? WE can drive the market as never before. Asking for books at bookstores, posting reviews online and submitting them to print magazines, newspapers and other resources will cause their popularity to go up.
Please stop by Gypsy Shadow Publishing and read some excerpts and perhaps support some new authors and established ones - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough!! - we'd love to have you help us introduce these quality e-books and print books to the reading world.
Love, joy, peace,
Writing is an enjoyable pastime, but more than that, for some of us, it is our life blood. We love to write, simply to share on paper with others. Many, many books are published every year. Before the advent of the Internet, most books were published in print, some were also recorded for the hearing impaired and for the convenience of listening while we work or drive.
Now, publishing has taken on a new face! E-publishing and Print on Demand have taken a new position in the world - even McMillan ( a huge print publisher) is switching to Print on Demand. The industry is getting savvy to conservation and printing the books people want.
So what? Guess what that means to some of us? WE can drive the market as never before. Asking for books at bookstores, posting reviews online and submitting them to print magazines, newspapers and other resources will cause their popularity to go up.
Please stop by Gypsy Shadow Publishing and read some excerpts and perhaps support some new authors and established ones - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough!! - we'd love to have you help us introduce these quality e-books and print books to the reading world.
Love, joy, peace,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Health and Healing

We celebrate many blessings each day and among them is good health. We seem to take it for granted. In our youth, many of us are blessed with a good constitution, the ability to walk straight and stand tall, the joy of eating anything we want.
The more years that slip past, I have learned to celebrate the simple things - I still have the tendency to recover quickly from most illnesses, I can still walk straight most of the time and maintain my balance, I can eat Almost anything I want, if I am mindful of the ingredients!
One of the most important things I have found is the need for good nutrition and attention to how my body feels about the things I do each day. Less coffee, more pure clean water; less chocolate, more fresh veggies; less junk food, more vitalizing supplements.
I've found some great health food products and I want to share them with you. Please eat carrot sticks and salads, drink water and herbal teas and stop back by, so we can talk!
LimuPlus - Nutrition from SeaWeed

Good Morning (or Good Day, wherever you are)!
One of the products I have found very beneficial in my nutrition regimen is a liquid SeaWeed derivative. There is some fascinating information about glyconutrition and the things our body needs to function.
The incredible "life changing" testimonials for Limu Plus continue to validate the "scientific" basis upon which this incredible product was formulated. One of the incredible categories of nutritional ingredients is that of glyconutrients. According to McAnanney and Vennum in Introduction to glyconutritionals, investigation into glycobiology and the science behind glyconutrients began making major advances in the mid-1990s. The focal point of that early research was the impact of the "absence of: glyconutrients on cellular communication breakdown and the ultimate disruption of the immune system.”
That early research has led many to believe that glyconutrients provide some of the most beneficial and powerful nutritional properties of any food substance on earth.
Glyconutrients are a class of nutrients different from Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, essential fatty acids or herbs and botanicals. These dietary nutrients are part of the structure of every cell in the body, and are necessary for "cellular communication" i.e. delivering messages at the cellular level that are critical to life itself. These are called "sweet nutrients" because they are composed of sugars (monosaccharide). Eight of these are classified as essential because the body no longer readily produces them; thus you must get them from dietary sources. Thousands of peer reviewed papers document the importance of having glyconutrients in your diet. Harper's Biochemistry, a major medical textbook, was revised to include the Nobel Prize winning category of glyconutrients.
(From an Article "Simply the Best" by Jana Mitchum - I'll be posting excerpts from her excellent informative posts.)
LimuPlus Please use sponsor # 255115
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