Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lee-Ann Vinson's review of Nancy by Charlotte Holley

 Nancy (ebook available $2.99)

Nancy is a true coming of age story that portrays the underlying issues of jealousy, fear and insecurity in the young adult.

Nancy was the girl to be admired. She was the pretty one. She always wore a kind smile for everyone she met. Hers was a life any girl would want, but when her classmate found a letter Nancy had written to her grandmother, the illusion of perfection collapsed. The letter told of the true difficulties in Nancy’s life. It revealed that what people saw on the outside was not what it seemed. Nancy also had her troubles in life.

The author reveals the impact that true friendship has on our lives. ‘Nancy’ is a story that indeed many young readers can identify with. It is a tale of exposing one’s personal issues to overcome the fear of being alone. One cannot receive without first giving, and ‘Nancy’ teaches us that happiness is possible, no matter the circumstance.

Reviewed by Lee-Ann Graff Vinson, Author of Georgia's Smile and Love's Trust

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